Monday 14 May 2012

Flash Fiction

The author of one of the blogs that I am a member of, Atticus McAristotle, wrote a post a while ago on flash fiction. I've been postponing writing this post because I hadn't been able to think of one straight away.
The title is 'Trapped'

I got home after school as usual. As I entered the living room, I heard a soft bang, the sound of something dropping. I went upstairs to my room, searching for the cause of the disruption. I opened the door. Then… The next thing I knew was that I was trapped in something. I heard whispering around me. I couldn’t understand what was going on as I had closed my eyes when I realised that I was trapped. I looked…
A mouse trap for the cat.
Quickly I grabbed the cheese and scampered off home it, was a good life.

Exunctly 100 words. Whoopy!
A mouse trapped in a mouse trap. Get it? Hahaha

PS. you can see the post by Atticus on


  1. I dont really get how the end is working. What is the whispering???

  2. I agree with Deadra. This one might need some development.
