Tuesday 24 July 2012

Early summer days

I can describe the early days of the summer holidays for me in one word...BORING!
Not going anywhere (dad in Japan), and no entertainment in the form of the all mighty Homework.
So far, I've had to resort to watching DVDs and TV.

Its been a couple of warm days in the South East however, and no-one can deny the weather at least has been beginning to seem like summer.
The English may say its warm, but for me, as I have been to many countries in the world, one over 20 times, and got used to high temps and adverse weather, its really nothing. 72 plane journeys + 2 7,8 day cruises.
But all this is to end come the 2012 Olympics.
I, personally am expecting a wet Olympics, probably the wettest yet.
I can see someone slipping on the tracks in the track events.
Funny if it was someone like Yohan Blake or Usain Bolt, but I would like to see Bolt break some WRs.

Anyway, good luck to Team GB, Team Japan, and Bolt.
Wishing all the best.



  1. The summer holidays for me are going OK. I have been out shopping!! and also to Herstmonceux. We had some friends round the other day and today, I did some painting. I am still writing my story, and I am waiting for Zoey Solace to hurry up and set us the task to do, because I am kind of bored. I am going camping with guides next week!!!! YAY!!! And I am very excited. I want to have a water fight but my brother is out until after lunch.

    Sorry Rorry (ha that rhymes) but I seem to be just telling everyone what I have done this week on your blog. Oh well, you can delete it if you don't like it.

    P.S. I'll post a big post when my story is finished, but I will want feedback and it will take you a while to read it!!!

    1. Deadra, i can't view your blog!!!!! it says Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. it is annoying!!!!!

    2. But actually, they wouldn't slip. Their spikes prevent them from doing that, they dig into the track to stop the slight slip of the foot that you get after each step in trainers, and also provide extra grip, good for in wet weather

      just thought i'd point that out.....

  2. Septimus has also blogged about time going slowly at the start of the holidays - are you following him? Why am I not surprised by your profile pic?
