Monday 31 December 2012

New Year

I experienced New Year 9 hours earlier than England due to the time difference.
I thought about facetiming my b-friend JRM but I remembered (damn it, I just remembered the game.) that JRM's FaceTime isn't working at the moment.
My cousins, both girls and aged 5 and 7, are also here at my grandparent's house although they live in a different prefecture/county. They just love playing and showing off how good they are to others and they are so annoying and they get on my nerves. They are out shopping at the moment (thank god) with my grandma, my mum and their mum. My other aunt should be here in a moment.
I'm watching TV right now with my grandpa. Don't undermine how good TV programmes in Japan are! Definitely 10 times better than England at the very least.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Hello All

I've once again felt that international relations are very important.

Also, Japan has had yet another general election.
It seems almost certain that Abe will return as Japanese Prime Minister for his second time in office.
It seems unbelievable that during the time that England have had Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and now David Cameron, Japan have had Junichiro Koizumi, Shinzo Abe, Yasuo Fukuda, Aso Taro, Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan, Yoshihiko Noda and soon Shinzo Abe again.

Update: Shinzo Abe is the new Japanese prime minister.

I'm in Japan now at the moment.
It's so far snowed about 50cm.

Thursday 20 December 2012



What a scary world it is at the moment!

Why do North Korea have to fire missiles?
I don't get how they think they can get away by saying they are artificial 'satellites'.
I would die if I had to live in North Korea.
I mean, everyone is expected to think of firing missiles as an 'amazing achievement' and 'shows that we are an amazingly technologically developed country'.
The news reporters sound so posh and their voice is so so irritating (careful choice of words there). (check out BBC's video online of North Korea's recent missile firing.
As William Hague and the UN security council said, this completely violates UN security laws and NK should be punished.
I may be biased saying all of this as I am Japanese, but I hope most people see how unacceptable the things North Korea are doing are.

And also the US primary school shootings!
Couldn't security have been better?
I've seen many videos on the BBC website about it, including some interviews, and my heart, along with many others' in the world, has been utterly broken by the incident.
My feelings are with all the family and friends of those affected and sincerely hope that the media will respect their privacy at this time. They will surely need that privacy to get over this terrible event.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

New intentions

I now feel that as there are not many people following this blog, it would be quite good to go with the blog title 'Help will always be given to those who ask' and have my own opinions on matters in the news, as well as giving homework help.
I don't yet know how I'm going to do this, but my aim is for this blog to become one of the most popular for teenagers and even adults.