Thursday 3 January 2013


Following my last post, although I know that it is a few days late, now being the 4th now, a very happy new year to you all (probably only Deadra).
Yesterday and today, there has been some snow again. It's still only about 75cm in total on average, however because of the combination of snow and strong wind, it's not very nice to go outside; it's so so cold and you get a lot of snow on you.
The peak in amount of snow here is normally around late January so I think I am right in thinking tat there will be more to come in the near future. Luckily I won't be around then. England-livers may think that snow is great because you get to miss school and you get to play with snow etc, but I will now tell you the reality. You would still have to go to school with around 1m of snow. How you would achieve this is by digging a path out of your house and then workers would have made the roads clear early in the morning using specific machines. They would also have made strong footpaths on either sides of the roads 1m above the ground so that pupils can get to school without problem. Also, rather than playing with snow, here, getting rid of it is the priority. I don't know the name of them but you know those things on the edges of the road where water ends up going in that has like 5 thin holes in, well they get opened and the person on duty turns on the water flow so that snow can be dumped in. You also have to get rid of the snow on roofs. Doing this is a real danger because if you fall and land on the snow, you are dead because of how hard snow can be and also the coldness of it.
This is my last full day, tomorrow morning, I'm leaving here and going to the airport hotel, staying there for the night before going to the airport on getting on a flight on the 6th at 12 noon (Japan time). A 12 hour flight. Due to time difference, I am able to get back to England at 3pm the same day (GMT).
I think the next day, on the 7th, I have French, then Maths, then Biology (tests back, I failed miserably), followed by Geography and double English.


1 comment:

  1. Oh thanks for telling me the timetable i wasn't sure what week it was :) Oh yeah and it probably is only me who reads this and the only reason I even am is because i got a new laptop for Xmas and this is an excuse to go on it ;)
