Wednesday 15 May 2013

Emergency help for Spanish classmates.

Welcome to my blog (If anyone has chosen to look at this that is...)
I've done over 40 posts in my got-nothing-better-to-do life. Actually, I just did a post a hour or so ago!
They range from posts to do with English to other post about Sport, teaching Japanese etc.


Accuracy in Spanish:

The most obvious one would be feminine and masculine. In most cases the endings should rhyme (BUT THERE ARE SOME IRREGULARS). There are other things to be careful about too!
I would say that the only way to get better at it is just practice, practice, practice.
Here are some false -and sometimes correct- sentences. Check them! (Scroll down for what is correct)

1. Me gustaría vivir en Tokyo porque está muy conveniente y hay más cosas que hacer! Es muy moderno.

2. En mi pueblo, había un estación de tren.

3. En mi barrio ideal, tenería un polideportivo para los jóvenes.

4. Mi pueblo es en el sur de Inglaterra en una casa pequeño con mi familia.

5. Normalmente, no haga nada porque mi barrio es muy aburrido. Hay no nada que hacer.

1. Me gustaría vivir en Tokyo porque es muy conveniente y hay más cosas que hacer! Es muy moderno.

2. En mi pueblo, había un estación de tren. (It was already correct!)

3. En mi barrio ideal, tendría un polideportivo para los jóvenes.

4. Mi pueblo está en el sur de Inglaterra en una casa pequeña con mi familia.

5. Normalmente, no hago nada porque mi barrio es muy aburrido. No hay nada que hacer.


In questions, there are mostly one or two words which you actually need to listen to.
Also, if you do not understand the question exactly, just answer something close to the topic. You may not get full marks, but you will get some marks. An even dirtier way (though it may require some skill in how you structure the answer) would be to have both positive and negative opinion in your answer. This would mean that you would get marks even if you do not know whether the question asked you for the good thing about your town or the bad thing about your town.

I have highlighted the words that you need to watch out for in questions.

¿Dónde vives exactamente?
              - Start like 'Vivo en..........'

¿Cómo es tu pueblo?
             - Start like 'Mi pueblo es........'

¿Que es lo que más te gusta de tu barrio?
             - Start like 'Lo que más me gusta de mi barrio es el hecho de.........' or 'Lo mejor de mi barrio.............'

¿Qué cambiarías en tu barrio?
             - Start like 'Cambiaría el hecho de.............'   and  'Tendría............. en lugar de.........'

¿Dónde te gustaría vivir en el futuro?
             - Start like 'Me gustaría vivir en..............'

¿Qué es lo peor de tu pueblo?
             - Start like 'Lo peor es que...........'

¿Cómo sería tu pueblo ideal?
            - Start like 'En mi pueblo ideal, sería.................'

Any questions, leave a comment on this post!

Good luck.


That would be cool!

Just some notes to post.

Europa League Final today between Chelsea and Benfica. Hope Chelsea win!

Chelsea and Arsenal could face a playoff for 3rd place. If Arsenal win by one goal against Newcastle, and Chelsea draw vs Everton (scoring 2 less than Arsenal), that would mean playoff time! So any of these will result in playoffs:
Arsenal 2-1 Newcastle and Chelsea 0-0 Everton
Arsenal 3-2 Newcastle and Chelsea 1-1 Everton
Arsenal 4-3 Newcastle and Chelsea 2-2 Everton    and so on....

I was just thinking today that it would be weird if this blog kept on going for the next few years and into adulthood!

I'm preparing 3 posts now, but it may take some time until I get to post them on this blog. One is England Vs Japan, one is about tennis I think, and one is about Arashi and SMAP (Arashi and SMAP are my two favourite Japanese boybands. They are really popular in Japan. I think Arashi's albums sell 700,000 copies in the first week alone. More on this in the main post!)


Thursday 9 May 2013


Kei Nishikori beat Roger Federer 6-4, 1-6, 6-2 at the Madrid Open.
Federer had points to defend, having won the tournament last year.
I hope the Maestro is back at his best as soon as possible.
I also hope Nishikori can gain confidence from this and break into the Top 10.

New Man U manager

It has been confirmed a few minutes ago that David Moyes will replace Alex Ferguson as Manchester United manager on 1st July. It is a 6 year contract.

The first news that I saw when I got back home was the fact that David Moyes had left Everton. Later on, I clicked on an article about this on the BBC website. It only had the same information as articles I'd already read, so I went back to the BBC football homepage to find that in the 10 seconds I was reading the article, David Moyes had become Man U manager, and the BBC Football homepage had changed, with a huge picture of David Moyes. I always get excited when this special layout happens!

This news means that Jose Mourinho will not be going to Man U, and he should hopefully be coming back to Chelsea.

On the other hand, I wish David Moyes all the best with managing the red side of Manchester, though it will undoubtedly by a pretty hard task.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Manchester United manager

It has been announced today that Sir Alex Ferguson will retire from being manager of Manchester United Football Club.
I cam back from school and was shocked (though I was prepared from the morning) at the news. Though I am a Chelsea supporter, I feel no one can deny the level of achievement and success that Sir Alex has brought to MUFC.

Since we all know Rafael Benitez is stopping as Chelsea manager at the end of this season, I hope that Jose Mourinho will come back to Chelsea. This is not only because of his personality, but because if he does return, he will surely have Frank Lampard sign another 1 or 2 year contract to keep Lampard at Chelsea.

I would like David Moyes to go to Man United, not only because I want Mourinho at Chelsea, but also because I think that a more stable, Premier League experienced manager would be better suited for the job at such a huge club such as Manchester United and would be a better, stable, calm successor of Sir Alex Ferguson.

Although my predictions here may be a bit dramatic, I have a feeling that something similar to this will happen this summer. There will be a lot of manager movement.

I think that David Moyes will go to Man Utd, Rafael Benitez will go to Everton, Jose Mourinho will go to Chelsea, Jurgen Klopp will go to Real Madrid and a slightly experience manager will take over at Borussia Dortmund.